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Two Common Niche Terms that Some Online Marketers Get Confused.

We Were All Newbies Once

Starting out in the marketing world can be

stressful due to the amount of information

that is hurled our way all at

once, this sensory overload

tends to overwhelm many marketers

that attempt to "give it a go",

leading to a large number of folks that

simply just call it quits.

When I first started to pursue online marketing as an occupation I was

still using a flip phone and what little exposure to the internet that

I had, was just barely enough to allow me to

play World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King!

I know some of you reading this post know exactly

what i'm talking about. LOL!

I can remember the frustration and

the feeling of hopelessly being lost

in the beginning. This Industry is

fast paced and especially unforgiving to less experienced

marketers. I have decided to introduce basic terminology

with explanations for the newer marketers in the hopes that by doing

so will make navigating our niche just a bit easier.

Let's start with the two big ones first, the two most common

types of marketing clicks in our Industry, Affiliate and (MLM)

Network Marketing.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is on and (or) offline advertising that allows

any business to affiliate themselves with website owners and

affiliates that choose to promote the program or product

(known as affiliates or publishers) using affiliate programs.

Affiliates make money by generating sales, leads

and traffic for the Merchants business. This actually, in

my opinion is a great way for any new marketer to get

their foot in the door, due to the minimal requirements required

to get started. You don't have to have a product, a website,

or even any special technical skills to start earning commissions.

Although, I do recommend getting those things as soon

as possible.

Network Marketing Companies (MLM)

Network Marketing, also called MLM

(multi level marketing), was created over

80 years ago as a new way of marketing and

distributing goods and services to the

end user, or consumer.

With traditional distribution, goods

and services go through a whole chain of

"Middle Men". IE: Manufacturer to Distributor to

Wholesaler to Retailer and finally You, the Consumer.

And along the way, each middle man takes his cut,

or Markup, which gets passed down to the consumer. Then

there's the cost of Advertising [the Marketing] by the

manufacturers and the middle men. That cost gets

passed on to [you guessed it]... The consumer.

In Network Marketing the idea is to eliminate all or most

of the middle men, as well as the advertising expenses.

The goods or services go straight from the MLM company to the consumer, who is referred to as a Distributor or Rep. The

distributor promotes the company's products and

business opportunity. The money saved on advertising and distribution is paid to the distributor in Commissions. To earn

these commissions all the Rep has to do is refer

(or sponsor) other reps and retail customers to the company.

This is called "Word Of Mouth Advertising".

Popular Examples of Each Type

Affiliate Marketing Programs Examples

  • Amazon Associates

  • Clickbank is a HUGE one

  • Rakuten - formerly Buy(dot)com

  • Avangate

Just to name a few.

MLM, Network Marketing Examples

  • Pampered Chef Ltd.

  • Scentsy

  • YTB International

  • All In One Profits

Be on the lookout for more marketing terminology

posts next week as well as some cool and useful

freebies, heading your way!


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